I am conservative. I was very disappointed when Donald Trump was not reelected. There was clearly voter fraud going on. I don't believe the election would have been different without the fraud though. Also there is likely voter fraud in every election. I would like to see voting made better. That is, every person gets 1 vote. No bulk voter stuff.
Now to the free speech. Officials should be concerned about voter fraud, but when conservatives suggested that there was fraud, liberals only called them names like 'election denyers', MAGA, right wing conspiracy theorists, etc. It seems that every American should want fair and honest elections.
More about free speech. We have had too much racist stuff happen in the last few years. It has now become racist to talk about justice. Differences of opinion should be celebrated and even debated without name calling. I am grateful for conservative folks that are of a different 'race' or background than I have. They refuse to label every caucasian as a racist and suggest that I do not have to label myself as one either.
Major institutions that should be for free speech have become against it. Education and Media are two that have the most negative impact on free speech, but entertainment and social media companies are also major problems.
I will continue to pray for our nation.